Foundational Nutrition Science 1

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 4 Students enrolled
Created by Tass Academy Last updated Fri, 27-Oct-2023 English
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Curriculum for this course
9 Lessons 109:32:44 Hours
Foundational Nutrition Science 1
9 Lessons 109:32:44 Hours
  • Bio & Session Title 12:08:23
  • Introduction to Sports Nutrition 12:08:48
  • Food Labelling & Nutrition Facts 12:09:25
  • Carbohydrates & Energy Reserve 12:09:49
  • Proteins & Recovery 12:10:24
  • Lipids & Different Types of Fats 12:10:45
  • Vitamins & Toxicity 12:11:17
  • Minerals & Health 12:11:38
  • Water & Hydration Status 12:12:15
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  • 109:32:44 Hours On demand videos
  • 9 Lessons
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