Certified Fitness Trainer

Beginner 5(23 Ratings) 321 Students enrolled
Created by Tass Academy Last updated Tue, 22-Aug-2023 English
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Curriculum for this course
71 Lessons 359:08:19 Hours
Exercise physiology
8 Lessons 27:35:29 Hours
  • Energy System 05:29:57
  • energy system characteristics & cardiovascular system 05:30:40
  • Heart Anatomy & Cardiac Cycle 05:31:13
  • Skeletal Muscles 05:31:39
  • Skeletal muscles & hormonal response to training 05:32:00
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Fitness assessment introduction & Health & Skill Related & Collecting baseline data & PAR Q+ & BMI & Skinfold measurement 06:26:14
  • Calculating body fat percentages & Circumerence measurements & WHR & Cardiorespiratory fitness & Step 06:26:40
  • RM & Push up & Sit and reach & 1 RM max 06:27:05
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Cardiovascular fitness & Step test & Frequancy & Intensity 05:46:26
  • Cardiovascular training patterns & Time & Type & Stage 1 training 05:47:25
  • Stage training 2 & 3 05:49:21
  • Benefits & Atherosclerosis & Cardio practical & Interval training 05:49:42
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Flexibility & Mobility & Factors affecting flexibility & Benefits of flexibility training 13:31:37
  • Types of stretching & Dynamic stretching & Active stretching 13:32:00
  • Isometric stretching & GTO & Passive stretching & Muscle spindles & Static stretching & PNF stretching & Ballistic 13:32:30
  • Presentation
  • lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Definitions of strength & Principles of Strength Training 14:09:52
  • Imposed demands goals & Strength training variables & Frequency & Adjusting training variables to goals & RPE 14:10:17
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Introduction & Gym Exercises topic 1 13:36:20
  • Gym Exercises topic 2 13:37:12
  • Gym Exercises topic 3 13:37:37
  • Gym Exercises topic 4 13:38:16
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Gym Exercises2 topic 1 13:45:13
  • Gym Exercises2 topic 2 13:47:45
  • Gym Exercises2 topic 3 13:48:15
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Standard anatomical position & directions & biomechanics & force 05:39:39
  • Functional anatomy & passive system & active system & neural control system 05:40:05
  • Articulation & synovial joints actions & flexion & extension & adduction & abduction & lateral flexion & rotation & horizonta 05:40:32
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Practical applications of planes of motion & Sagittal plane & Coronal &Frontal Plane & Transverse Plane 05:44:35
  • Rules of skeletal muscles activity & types of skeletal muscle actions & 5 step exercise analysis 05:45:24
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
  • Introduction Exercise analysis 13:25:50
  • Exercise analysis #2 13:26:40
  • Exercise analysis #3 13:27:07
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Presentation
  • Introduction to Training Programs Design 13:49:30
  • Full body workout & Upper & Lower 13:50:43
  • Push pull leg & Pro split 13:51:06
  • Drop set & Super set & Giant set & Pre exhausted set & Post exhausted set & Pyramid sets & Circuit training & Repetition tec 13:51:52
  • Presentation
  • Lecture Summary
  • Quiz 00:00:00
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About the instructor
  • 52 Reviews
  • 441 Students
  • 20 Courses
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certified academy to create a new sports trainers.

Tass Academy | Training Academy of Sports Sciences.

Student feedback
Average rating
  • 8%
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  • 82%
  • Mon, 18-Sep-2023
  • Sat, 21-Oct-2023
    دورة من اروع مايكون اعطتني المزيد من الثقة للتميز في هذا المجال
  • Thu, 26-Oct-2023
    جيد جدا و الشرح ممتاز من جميع الدكاترة و الكابتن و لكن بعض المعادلات في القسم الفسيولجي لم تشرح بشكل واضح أو لم تاخد الوقت الكافي في إيصال المعلومة فكانت ناقصة لم تكتمل عندي ولكن هذا لا يمنع أن الكورس كان رائع و شكرا جدا
  • Thu, 02-Nov-2023
  • Thu, 16-Nov-2023
  • Sun, 19-Nov-2023
    شرح جميل جدا ومفصل بطريقه جميله كويسه
  • Fri, 24-Nov-2023
  • Tue, 28-Nov-2023
  • Sun, 03-Dec-2023
  • Mon, 01-Jan-2024
    عنجد اول مرة اقتنع ب دورة اون لاين شكرا جزيلا كان بس بدها شوي شرح عن العضلات وتشريحها شكرا لكل الكوتشات تمييز
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    سمر اشرف عبداللطيف
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    احمد توفيق مشرف
  • Mon, 05-Feb-2024
    ياسمين كمال احمد عبد الكريم
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  • 359:08:19 Hours On demand videos
  • 71 Lessons
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